Your life is very valuable. Unfortunately sometimes situations or circumstances occur in our lives that could cause set backs. Maybe you are looking for ways to simply improve your life from where you are right now. Here are my 4 Good Habits to Improve Your Life in 2022.
No need to complicate things, for some of us life requires a little or a lot of work. Taking small steps are some of the greatest techniques we can apply to improve life overall. Here are a few simple ways that I have found useful that you can implement right now to improve your life.
1.) Stop Making Excuses
Making excuses only lowers your self confidence. Initially making excuses may seem proactive or even helpful for you. But in the end it doesn’t produce any result for the greater good. Excusing yourself is a waste of time. The intention really should be to focus on improving yourself. At the end of the day, you’re only making excuses to feel better or maybe to please others.
You can give an excuse to others but life goes on and so do they. No matter what you might do or say, the outcome still weighs on you. Things like I’m tired, it’s raining, I can do it tomorrow, timing isn’t good are all negative phrases or habits that only effect you. It sets you back and there’s a slight chance, you might not even follow up to finish and get it done.
2.) Let Things Go/ Don’t Take Things Personally
If you’ve been offended, insulted, mistreated, or even given bad advice. Chances are that person maybe in a bad place or may not know better themselves. If you’ve done no harm, keep your guard and let it go. Holding onto grudges, resentment, etc only puts you into your lower self. This may cause you to feel frustrated and you can ruin your day, your time, and more.
Be encouraging, more than likely you could have been in that position before as well. Learn to ignore things, move on with understanding.
3.) Work on Improving Your Health and Nutrition
Your health and nutrition is everything. Really sounds cliche, but it’s the truth. Having a balance between eating well and having physical activities boost your self esteem. It increases our dopamine levels to help us feel pleasure and stimulation. This feels good to the mind and the body giving us motivation all around for our well-being.
Being active physically does help our bodies to regulate and function naturally in its most productive state. It helps us to process our thoughts and feel good primarily. As long as we aren’t overly stimulated by other external factors, it helps to keep the mind clear. It also helps us gain to energy.
A stable and healthy diet helps regulate the body internally. This help to detox toxins in our bodies. Our system processes elimination more effectively, keeping the body light. It also releases any chemicals in our bodies that pollutes the mind which can negatively impact our health. This can cause fatigue and alters a lower state of thinking.
4.) Finding the time to Pray, Meditate, or Relax and Let Go
Having a spiritual journey really helps. When facing changes, challenges, or during those trying times. This is most likely the time needing to be still, turn inward to self, and seek guidance from the source beyond all things. Having a spiritual journey brings peace into your life. It gives you a sense of wholeness and balance into your life overall.
When facing those unwanted circumstances, you’ll have the mentality and the power to effectively and easily overcome. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately many people seek to obtain a spiritual connection when the difficulties arise. If we implement and live by these practices, we will be advance in those times of need. Being consistent in your spiritual journey is truly the most amazing way to stay on course during difficult times.
Spirituality is your personal choice and your personal connection. It doesn’t have to be religiously related. You most certainly don’t have to do any beliefs based on the opinions of others. It’s the core foundation of your intelligence.
It’s deeper in many ways more than we know or what one experiences. It can also be as simple as taking walks, reading a book, enjoying nature, music, and so much more. However it is to you, to open up divine oneness.
It may be external, like sending prayers to the outer parts of the physical world. That maybe to you God, source, the creator, the supreme being, etc the belief in something or someone higher than you.
Meditation is another way for peace and clarity. You can obtain answers to your questions. You could hear an inner voice, your intuition, recieve confirmation, deep whispers, and etc. Some or all of these expressions might resonate with you. It could depend upon how deep your connection. Meditation embraces one to love, have peace, share your world with others to trust and forgive. Develop and have meaning in relationships and in life.
Having a healthy and a consistent spiritual practice enables balance with the things we do daily. In between our physical, emotional, social, and mental aspects of our lives. We are well equipped to enjoy our earthly life experience.
These are my 4 good habits to improve your life right now in 2022 that I have tried and has worked and continues working for me. It is simple and easy ideas to get started. Feel free to comment down below for further suggestions or ideas that maybe you have tried to implement that you feel would be helpful for others too. We are in this together.
With time anything is possible. Be patient and know that all is working for your highest good!
–Just Kadia
Disclaimer: The information given here are none other than my very own personal experiences and has improved my life in many ways. I believe in hope, faith, and miracles. If this resonates with you, may your heart be delighted. This is simply to help inspire or motivate you in anyway. No medical or professional advice is given. Otherwise, feel free to also seek for professional help.
Be that in Life, Light, and Love!
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