Hi luvs, I am Kadia from Just Kadia!
Just Kadia was created while being a full time mom to three beautiful girls. I decided to blog as a creative outlet were I can express myself, be myself, as well as improve myself. I thought, why not make this a visual self developmental journey and use this opportunity to hopefully help other mothers, women, or anyone as a whole who are looking to improve their lives.
We are living in a planet full of abundance and it is rapidly growing all around us in the most creative and amazing ways. As humans, we are one of the most amazing beings alive with so much potential having intelligence, intuition, our five senses, logics, reasoning, thoughts, and etc. Yet, we know little of our capabilities and use little of it.
With information overload in this fast pace world we live in today. We easily become bombarded, distracted, lost, burnt out, forgetting about oneself, forgetting about others, confused, and more.
When it comes to our lives including things such as our health (mentally, physically, spiritually, etc), our finances, relationships, friendships, marriage, parenting, handling our emotions, expectations of the world, and the reality we face. Life as we know of is mostly lived unhappy, lifeless, off balance.
Then sometimes, we make decisions whether knowingly or unknowingly that possibly causes us to be effected over time. This can be good or indifferent ways.
Guess what?!?! I’ve faced troubling and undesirable times. That is when it became clear to me. It is what it is! No matter what you’re going through in life, you have to find a way to pull yourself together.
Through the help of the universe, the sources within us and around us, God, the I am, our mother earth and all that is. I was able to start breaking through those barriers and finally started to open me back up. From there I decided to create this website to open a journey for self improvement, self development, self love, and whatever that inspires me to inspire you.
By building and improving areas of my life for better health, balance, a better well being, wholeness, be present in the moment of things, make better decisions, and have financial freedom.
I desire to help others believe in themselves, love themselves, develop their own meaning of success, happiness, oneness, and never to give up on hope. This is for myself, for my children, for my family, and for the earth.
What an impact our world be if we are all able to understand life, understand each other, live helping one another, being there for each other, having gratitude, love, fun, forgiveness, and so much more. That’s the beauty of life.
In this journey called life, we are ever changing, ever evolving, ever growing and learning into the being to be of life.
Self development is a journey to help us develop/redevelop one’s self to grow as better beings. This journey can involve healing, loving oneself, forgiving and learning how to let go, improving health, relationships, friendships, finances, parenting, just simply your desires.
Motivational information, tips, suggestions, or ideas will be shared with you in hopes to help you too. Centered around Life, Light, and Love.
Just Believe, Just be you.
One of my favorite quotes!
You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated.
MAya Angelo
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(DISCLAIMER: The information provided is not intended or implied for medical advice or diagnosis, nor treatment. I am not a medical professional, nor psychologist, nor any other health related, or licensed professional in these areas. The advice and opinions given are based upon my own experiences, research, or opinions of others, and etc. We encourage you to research other information to obtain materials suitable for your use. We make no representation and assume no responsibilities for the accuracy of information on our website here with Just Kadia or any associations with Kadia Germain. This is simply here to help inspire or motivate you in anyway, you are not alone.)