“You Will Face Many Defeats in Life, but Never Let Yourself be Defeated.”
-Maya Angelo
Hi Luvs,
First off, If you are reading this. It is a very BIG DEAL to me. I would like to say welcome to you. I am thrilled you’re here!!
A Special Thanks
I’d like to take a moment to thank all who have taken their time to read this article and every other article posted here on this website justkadia.com. Secondly, I commend other writers, artists, authors, YouTube channels, vloggers, content creators, philosophers, influencers, motivational speakers, mentors, teachers, coaches, etc. who have dedicated their time to engage, influence, produce, write, edit, and create the most amazing work. We now have a better understanding to this journey called life.
It takes a lot of time, courage, dedication, and so much effort to do so. The information they’ve provided and the resources they’ve shared has given us endless amount of opportunities. We are now able to read, see, watch, obtain, hear to gain a variety tools, techniques, and etc to evolve. We have had a collection of great examples which helps us all to learn and grow to become better versions of ourself.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Women/ Mothers
To all of the woman and mothers in the world…so much love, respect, and appreciation for everything you have done and what you continue to do. Motherhood isn’t easy. Whether you know it or not, you are very much needed and very much appreciated. Thanks to mother nature our world keeps going, growing, and flowing day by day with future leaders, teachers, business owners, writers, service providers, doctors, nurses, nurse assistants, lawyers, engineers, activists, scientists, inventors, mentors, coaches, city workers, and etc that has shaped today into this beautiful planet that we have.
Whatever job, work, or career it doesn’t stop there. You name it, you helped it. That’s incredible to every mom, mothers, mama bears wherever you are in the world, you should be humbly proud.
Mamas, no matter where you are in your motherhood journey. I just want you to know that you are AMAZING…!! Keep doing all that you do. It isn’t easy and if anyone would know, that would be from one motherhood experience to another.
Men/ Fathers
To all the men and fathers reading this, you too are very much appreciated and well respected for all that you do. Thank you for being who you are. You are strong, supportive, protective, enduring, loyal, loving, giving, and much more. Many thanks for your hard work and your dedication. You are truly honored and valued just the same.
Thank you for allowing this space, time, and reality for me to honor mothers/motherhood as a special shout out.
Parenting as a whole is no joke.
Far too many woman and mothers are underrated and unappreciated within the home, work, etc. This has improved and come a long way in our society, but it has room to grow. If you know what I mean and agree comment below to encourage women and mothers even more.
For All
It can be a challenging experience here on earth for many of us if not all of us. However, together we can rise above our struggles and find pleasure and happiness for all. I just want you to know men, women, girl or boy you are absolutely incredible. I’m grateful to all near and far!! Thank you for living, trying, believing, giving, doing all that you do! Each being here on earth is beautiful inside out. We are all in the same space of this time and space reality. One blood, one love, one race!!

This Journey
I am grateful for the opportunity to begin this journey. I have been writing and enjoy writing ever since I can remember. It is a passion of mine. In the past, I have tried making YouTube videos. I created content planned, filmed, and edited. But the time is now and this is it.
With a prior website and YouTube channel, I came prepared and knew more of what I wanted to do. Or at least what I thought I knew what I wanted to do. Here with this blog justkadia.com, the idea stemmed during some trying times of my life. As soon as I felt a nudge from within I was compelled to do this. I’ve been here doing so one step at a time. No rush, just enjoying the journey as I go along with the process.
I believe this journey is leading me along the lines to improve myself and help others do the same. Something which I am passionate about doing.
So WELCOME EVERYONE, happy to have you once again. Let’s go and grow.
-Just Kadia
Life, Light, & Love

The information I’ll share with you here on justkadia.com will be regarding self-development, family, love, fun, self-care, cooking, fitness, finance, nutrition, and more which are all very important to our lives.
I am not a license expert in any of these areas. However, with years of trial and errors. I’ve learned from them, including lots of research, dedicated reading, learning and gathering enough information to share. I desire and hope that it will help you. Feel free to follow up with a professional as well as do your own research.
I want you to be encouraged and encourage each other within this community. We are here to help one other. Desiring for change is individual and wanting good for both mental and physical well being for life overall is a decision only one can make.
I hope you’ll join me if you haven’t already, sign up for our email subscription. Consider some challenges but together, we can grow in life with strength, confidence, knowledge into the being to be. We are ever changing, ever evolving, and ever growing. Be positive, determined, motivated, inspired graciously while just being you.
Just Believe, Just Be You
-Just Kadia
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