Here on, we will share information about healing the self and transforming your life from patterns of unhappy, unhealthy, unfulfilling lives. By experiencing what it takes to have a more fulfilling time of your life here on earth.
With this, we will explore ways to self heal from past experiences. We believe our time on earth is to surrender living a positive, pleasant, physical life experience.
We Are Gods-Spiritual
Here we believe, we are gods. We believe we are apart of the divine creation as spiritual beings having a physical experience. We believe our physical experience came here to learn about ourselves, each other, from our past, for the good of the earth, and to use this time, space, reality to live, create, and explore.
We believe God our source, wants us as individuals and as collective to be happy, healthy, and whole living an abundant life graciously. We believe in the universe, God, the source, and all that is. We believe we have been gifted our consciousness as the ability to be one w/ source for ourselves and each other as loving souls. We believe in caring for one another using our consciousness and the universal laws within.
Butterfly Beings-Transformation
This is a place we use a space to learn and to grow believing that we have the greatest opportunity to transform our lives. We have a chance to enjoy our lives in the physical within the spiritual.
We are grateful and respect that we’ve been given this beautiful planet earth as a time to be creative and live the best lives we could ever live.
Here on this channel we talk about topics like butterflies lol and life changing experiences to transform our lives. Maintain our awareness for change to improve our greater good.
We will discover what it takes to bring healing over the body and over the mind. B/c, healing helps us understand how to better ourselves and helps us overcome challenges we face.
The Abundance of Information
I came from a time where little awareness of information was available to us to know about our lives. I grew up doing things based on the norm, or things I learned from others, or environmental factors. I did things w/ out really knowing and understanding much of what I was doing.
I’ve come from a place of doing many things in my life foolishly and ignorantly. This started as a child and continued early into adulthood.
Now, this present day having the opportunity to learn so much more and better understand this thing called life. I am grateful for the pleasure and the opportunity to learn and grow.
Information is now available to many of you to utilize and gain as much understanding as possible. This is what I believe the Bible meant. It is a beautiful thing to learn, to know, and to understand. The lack thereof is what keeps us in the dark and live unfulfilling lives.
There are plenty of books, documentaries, YouTube videos, blogs, etc. There plenty of channels that you have access to for free. You can learn more about your desires, you can learn more about the creator our source and the mystical wonders of the universe from ancient precepts. You can learn about whatever you want.
When I thought I knew what I was doing, I got married. I was in an unhappy and unfulfilling relationship for years. It was in those moments of despair, my marriage led me to seek further and pursue my life more deeply. I began learning and developing a better understanding for things around us and why?
As situations had increased and not knowing how to handle my life, having responsibilities, children, expenses, adulthood, etc. I went to a place of feeling lost. I went into a place of loneliness and was empty. I developed a roller coaster ride of emotions. I was confused, depressed, and all together a total mess.
It was by way of information, researching, and going through my experiences that helped me learn more about myself, what was going on in the world, the causes of our dilemmas/challenges, and the lack thereof unhappy, unhealthy, unfulfilling life.
Develop a Purpose for Understanding
Having not knowing my path, no understanding, or no direction. I experienced feelings of frustration and constant questions like, what’s the purpose of us being here. I began questioning myself with so many thoughts like…why do I have to be here? If the majority of life seems unhappy and miserably living unpleasant. I was thinking…What’s the sense?
During my dilemmas I didn’t know what to do. I thought I had no one or nothing to turn to. I kept hoping so bad that someone from the physical realm would see me in my needs and help be my rescue. In most cases, I was just seeking for someone talk to. Or, maybe shed some light and give some advice. But when the realization sank in, I realized it was me I had to face. It was me who was ruining my whole life.
I had tried facing methods and techniques I had learned in church. I was trying, trying, trying. Praying, fasting, and begging for mercy. Pleading that someone from the heavens would rescue my sorrow filled life. When I had another aha moment. I realized again, it was during those moments I thought I needed something or way of someone to help. I learned, it was myself that had to come to the rescue.
That’s when I began to dig deep into my mess to clean it up myself.
Turning Within to Self-Listening to the Silence
As I saw I had no other way, I had turned to the self. The power that was granted to me and to all of us by my/the creator> the source> the light> God. However it is to you and how you see fit to call and honor.
By such, I was able to pull through my mess. That’s when I decided, I’m going to face whatever it is that I’m going through by the power of what I can and learn. I learned it was just simply my mind.
The Beginning to Enjoy Life
The feeling of the loneliness and emptiness started to subside. I realized I didn’t want to be confused anymore. Awareness had arise. I got sick and tired of crying everyday, feeling sad, confused, etc. I made it a point to live life and make it worth it. I knew this was the feeling and the beginning to reconnect and enjoy life.
When I began to pick up myself becoming alert of what was going on around me. I became alert, I realized it wasn’t only about me. I had my babies too. I began to ask those questions but from a different point. I asked those questions from a state of obtaining connections and clarity.
If you haven’t already, please take a moment to read this post I wrote. It’ll help sum up my perspectives on those questions I would ask. Click the link below:
Here’s the truth about our consciousness click the link:
The questions like, why are we here? Those were questions I asked during those dreadful thoughts in a negative state. Suddenly, the answers began to make way. I found, those questions were turning into thoughts of being of a positive state receiving clarity.
I began to develop feelings beyond my greatest imagination believing, there is a way out. That change is possible and that everything was going to be ok. I believed even from a child early on in possibilities. I believed in miracles, faith, and that something out of our control that is extreme makes things real.
I also believed, that there is greater risk in waking up everyday going to work repeating the same of old unpleasant patterns of our lives. Patterns of living unfulfilling lifestyles causing us to wake up to be hurt and filled with pain. Verses patterns of us waking up ready to win the day.
Spiritual Experience-The Being
If we can look beyond what we see and think from our limited state of the day to day. Yes, then I do believe we can live happier and healthier lives. It’s called faith, hope, belief. The world has so much to offer, to learn, to know, to grow, to love, and to adore. Everything you see around you was created by a being of someone who just simply had a thought.
From a teenager I was introduced to many things. There were times when I was drinking, smoking heavily, and doing all kinds of stuff. I was doing things to myself early on that never aligned with my true purpose and had no connection to my higher self. Needing support on how to be yourself? Take a moment and please read this: Click Here.
That is, the connection to the self and the creator in respect of all that is around us. The connection of truly living life by the values, morals, and principles given through our consciousness and the assistance of the universal laws and principles. In the sense of not living in truth, honor, and sincerity.
The life I was living, the things I was doing never made sense or wasn’t in alignment with my true self. I was never truly happy at least from within. I mean, I had some memories of having good times, lots of fun, and etc.
But, what I didn’t consider or respect was the soul. Our soul or spirit has a major role for the greatest experience here on earth. There were time in my life I considered the soul by the virtues of the Christian philosophy and the biblical concepts early on.
Many of which I didn’t agree to and some that felt estranged to adhere to. I felt God was a warrior and he just wanted to be worshipped by all means necessary. Sometimes when I read through the Bible, I felt God actually had a little hatred.
I lived a lot of my life in fear, believing in a place of a heaven or hell. As I got older what I found was there were many of things I disagreed to the religious or Christian beliefs. As my awareness of life grew, the more I learn, and found out. I discovered what was true and meaningful to me.
I found what resonated with my being in the spiritual sense. I turned within, having experienced this journey truly on my own to myself. It aligned me to knowing my worth. I can now better understand and appreciate life.
The God I believe in and the connection to our connection of each of us, is here through complete love and only love. He/she/it/energy, I believe has granted us this time and space to enjoy this physical experience as to however we choose and is meaningful to you.
That is holding true our consciousness we’ve been gifted. Which keeps us aware of what we do, say, act, think, and feel. How we treat each other, letting go of our egos, being mindful, helping each, and I could go on and on and on.
What I found was, my past reality did not match the blueprint of who I am and the being to be. I truly didn’t utilize the chance that was given to me rightfully. I spent my prime years abusing it. The things I experienced during those times did not fit within my personality as an individual and who knew what feels good to me most of the time.
You Have To Take Action-To Enjoy This Experience
B/c I spent my days dissecting, learning, and experiencing what gives my soul life, what brings me peace, what makes me feel worthy, what makes me feel worth living, and what gives me hope. I took the struggles and pushed through the obstacles. I had to do a lot of self digging to forgive myself and the many foolish choices.
But what I found was the understating that I’ve been forgiving. I’ve been healed, I discovered. Now this present day, I’m taking action here on Just Kadia. Just Kadia is doing her thing, living life, doing what feels good to me.
Continuing daily to push, taking action to help myself be a better person for myself, for my family and friends, and for each other, and for our world. Now, I’m living encouraging others to do the same.
You Can Be Liberated, Healed, and Set Free
We have probably all been through a time maybe feeling hopeless. Or maybe you’ve made many mistakes having years gone by. You might have had faith, but somehow lost hope and felt like giving up on life. Maybe there’s been many set backs and failures. Maybe you’re at a turning point seeking for more.
Have you ever considered, maybe this is your turning point? Maybe this is leading you into believing there’s more to your life than what you’re currently living. Maybe it’s your time to be free?
Take a look at this letter if you’re in a place needing a little support and encouragement. Sending the energy of love and peace in all for you: Click here.
Here on this platform, we have a great opportunity to use this space for each other. We can help one another learn and discover. If we live to forgive and let go of anything that doesn’t serve us well.
We believe you can be liberated in the healing powers granted to us to let go of depression, sorrow, sadness, or whatever are your desires to heal, be set free, and live your best life.
Take massive action right now, to do what you can to begin your spiritual experience here on earth right now. Take the time to understand your past, yourself, learn more about our metaphysical world, the energy of our physical field, and all that is around you. It is a journey for you as an experience to live and enjoy your best life.
Stay tuned, more resources coming soon.
Disclaimer: The information given here are none other than my very own personal experiences or from the opinions of others. Through learning, experiences, and discovering. I have evolved and improved my life in so many ways. This has motivated me to share with the desire and intention for it to help you.
I believe in hope, faith, and miracles. If this resonates with you, may your heart be delighted. The information provided here on our website or in any affiliations to our website or with Kadia Germain is simply information to help, to inspire, impact, educate, or motivate you in anyway.
There are NO medical or professional advice given. Please feel free to ask or seek for professional help. Otherwise, enjoy the information and let it use you for positivity in Life, with Light, and Love.
-Just Kadia
Be that in Life, Light, and Love!
Tia Adaline says
I am glad you decided to turn within to seek the answers rather relying on outside sources to make you feel happy and complete. Thanks for the reminder. So true~ As human beings, we have been given the power of consciousness and awareness to be more and do more.
justkadia says
Hi there,
Ty for your comment. I completely agree, that’s the true nature of our beings. We are surrounding by so much that distracts us from reaching and tapping into ourselves. We’re grateful, keep sharing your light! Come again, hope you left your email.